Moderate any content, at any time

Text Moderation Service

Monitor improper language, personal information

Image Moderation Service

Detect unwanted contents from the suspect images

Video Moderation Service

Moderate and control videos

Social Media Content Moderation

Screen all the reviews, comments and feedback

With 12+ years of experience, multilingual employees and 24/7/365 availability, BPO East will help you:
  • take care of the pre-moderation and post-moderation processes
  • make sure that the content upholds the regulations of the website, is not illegal, inappropriate, or harassing, etc.
  • moderate and filter any user-generated content in real-time
  • detect unacceptable images, videos or texts
  • create your own moderation rules
Users are essential contributors to your platforms. Regardless if you’re running a dating site, an online marketplace, or a social media platform you need to make sure your users enjoy it and are met with quality content on your site moderating all types of content on your site, from text and images, to videos and one-to-one messages. BPO East Content moderation implies the categorizing, moderating, and rating of different content on the Internet including written content and comments that are left by readers on blog and articles, videos, and pictures, as well as music. BPO East multilingual moderators control on real-time basis the content generated by your users, contents like texts, comments, videos and images. We make sure they are acceptable by your brand and within the guidelines or policy of your company, protecting the reputation of your brand.

Text Moderation Service

Moderate and filter user messages, chats and texts in real-time and protect your users and brand.
  • improper language (insults, swear words, etc.)
  • personal information (email addresses, phone numbers, security information, etc.)
  • all types of scams

Image Moderation Service

BPO East offers a highly live content moderation service using a pool of experienced employees to make sure every content on the image is adherent to the guidelines and policy of your company. Our moderators will recognize and select the unwanted contents from the suspect images.

Video Moderation Service

Supported  with advance moderation techniques , we provide a combined approach to moderate and control videos, to provide end-to-end content reviewing solution for videos, to review the length and other norms following your guidelines and company policy.

Social Media Content Moderation

Being present on social media networking sites where audiences, customers and community members are free to post anything you need to screen all the reviews, comments and feedback. With BPO East Social Media Content Moderation Service you can moderate and make this content a positive impression for your company.

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